May Newsletter

Posted on May 16, 2012 in Latest News | No Comments
P1 Classes Next Session

We will have 5 P1 classes next session and will take in 120 P1 children. We have just under 90 Primary 7 pupils leaving to go to Secondary School and our total school roll will go over 600.

We cannot continue to take in so many Primary 1 children in future years as we do not have the capacity of rooms to do so (we will lose one of our two General Purpose rooms as a result of taking in another P1 class) but we are grateful to our parents, old and new, for their confidence in our staff.

The Induction Days for our Primary 1 parents and children are 7 June and 14 June.

Further details will be sent to the parents concerned.

P3 – P4

We currently have 4 P3 classes and they will be re organised into 3 P4 classes as the maximum class size in P4 is 33. This will be a standard practice when we have less than 99 P3 children and explains why our current P1 children numbers were capped at 99.

Next Year’s Classes

We are in the process of drawing up our 5 P1 classes and organising our 3 P4 classes. Once we have completed these exercises we will be in a position to allocate teachers to classes. We hope to be able to share this information in the near future but this is dependant on our Authority identifying new staff for us.

Sports Day

Because of our numbers we are unable to identify a local area where we could have a whole school sports day and so have decided to have an Infant one and an Upper School one on separate days. They will both be held in the school grounds and further details will follow.

School Show

The school show is called “What a Knight’’ and will involve all of the children from P4 – P7. Miss Miller is coordinating the whole show and is being well supported by teaching and non teaching staff and a growing band of parents who are helping with the costumes. Again numbers and space prevent us from holding a whole school show but we will be performing it in our own venue. Again further details will follow.

P6 and P7 Disco

P6 and P7 have a Disco on Thursday 10 May and P7 will have their leavers’ dance on Thursday 21 June.


A separate letter will be issued about school uniforms, new and second hand. Our uniform committee have been working really hard to provide a very good price whilst continuing to use Fair Trade and High Ethical products. Our sincere thanks to them. Look out for their information leaflet.

School Photographer

The school photographer will visit the school in the week beginning 21 May. This year it will be individual and family photographs and class photos of P1 and P7. Again a separate letter will provide full details.

Pupil Newsletter

Our P7C have visited all of the classes and summarised the highlights from each class. The P7C pupils have done a brilliant job in capturing what happens in our school and certainly describe just how busy and enjoyable it is. Very well done!


Lastly, if anyone has lost a set of keys please could you contact the school office.