A very warm welcome to you and your child
As you may know our new school, in a new location, opened in August 2011. We are very fortunate to be located next to Kelvingrove Park and to have such a beautiful and stimulating environment that promotes Health and Well Being.
Hillhead Primary is now the largest primary school in Glasgow and is a vibrant, successful and happy multicultural school where we have high expectations and high standards for our pupils and ourselves.
This website offers you information and details of what is taking place in our school. Some of the photographs and articles describe the breadth of activities on offer and facilities available within the school. We hope our website will both inform and interest you.
If you want to find out more about our school please call us on 0141 339 1365. Visits are organised for our new P1 entrants only.
We are very keen to form positive and successful partnerships with our parents for the benefit of the child. There will be many and varied opportunities for you to participate in the life of the school.
We are confident your child will meet with success and achieve a lot during his or her stay with us and we will do our best to meet your child’s needs at all times.
We look forward to meeting with you.
Best wishes
Andrew Robson
Head Teacher