September Newsletter
We have been back at school now for three weeks and the school has settled back into its routines very well. The children are enthusiastic, working hard and behaving well. A special mention should go to our five P1 classes. They are now in full time and are very much a part of the school. Welcome boys and girls and very well done!
Parental Matters
Once again the overwhelming majority of our parents have been very respectful of the school rules and we thank you sincerely for that.
There are still some parents who are setting down and picking up on Otago Street. This is selfish behaviour that puts at risk the continuation of the Otago Gate remaining open.
Several parents have complained that some of the offending parents are double parking and reversing towards the Otago Gate when children are exiting. We are asking for a police presence to monitor the situation as our children’s safety could be compromised by illegal parking and irresponsible road manoeuvres.
We have told all the children that they must dismount when entering or exiting the playgrounds by bike. The same applies to scooters. We have this rule to ensure the safety of all but especially to protect young children and toddlers who are frequently in the playground at the start and end of the school day.
The rule regarding not cycling in the playground applies to adults too and we would ask everyone to respect this rule.
Consent Forms
Thank you to all of you who have returned the Emergency Contact Forms and the Consent Forms. The vast majority have been returned and we will now phone parents who have not yet sent in the vital information.
P5-P7 Football Pitch
We take our P7 pupils to our football pitch on a Monday at lunch times; our P6s on a Tuesday and our P5s on a Wednesday. If you would like to volunteer to help escort them you are very welcome!
Mobile Phones/Energy Drinks
We have spoken to the older children about out policy on mobile phones. A letter summarising our position was issued to all parents at the start of session. When a child enters the school playground his/her phone should be switched off and should remain switched off until he/she is leaving the premises.
Any child who disregards this rule may lose the right to bring their phone to school.
We have had a number of children bringing a variety of energy drinks into school. We would ask that children do not bring these products in. Some of them have a minimum age on them (13 years old) and many of them have a very high sugar and/or caffeine content. There are many fresh water dispensers in school which provide a healthier and more appropriate refreshment for children.
Thank you for your cooperation with both these matters.
Open Afternoon P2-P7
We are very pleased to announce that we will be holding an Open Afternoon on Wednesday 19th September from 2.15-3pm for classes in P2-P7.
The purpose of the Open Afternoon is to allow everyone to come in and meet their child’s teacher, to see the environment in which your child is taught and to see any work that may be on the walls (but it is still relatively early in the year!)
The teacher will be working with his/her children and will not be available for individual consultations at this point. Parents’ Evenings which will be for individual consultations will be held on Thursday 5th October 5-8pm and Wednesday 10th October 3.30-6.30pm. We will hold a separate Open Afternoon for our P1 parents later in the session.
Wheatley House Free School Meals Section Relocation
The public counter for free school meals and clothing grants has moved to the City Service Desk at 45 John Street.
For full information go to the term dates page.
The next holiday is:
Thursday 20th September in-service
Friday 21st September Holiday
Monday 24th September Holiday
Followed by the October Break Monday 15th until Friday 19th October inclusive.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Best Wishes
Francis Donaghy
Head Teacher