
Enrolment for Primary School now takes place online here.  You can check the local school for your address here.  Children must be living in Glasgow at the address provided before enrolment can take place as we are unable to hold spaces.  Proof of address will be required at time of enrolment e.g. Council Tax bill, Mortgage/Rental Agreement.

If you do not live in our catchment area you can apply for a Placing Request.  Details of how to do this can be found here.

Primary 1 Registration

Entry year 2020. Registration of those children born between 1 March 2015 and 28 February 2016 takes place during the week of 4th November 2019. An update is placed in local newspapers and parents are advised to consult the school regarding details.

Enrolment for Primary One takes place online here.  Children will automatically be placed in the local school for your address.

At Hillhead, we have developed a structured induction programme for all children entering to Primary 1 in August 2020. From early in the session the Depute Head Teacher visits local nurseries to meet and get to know the children. Close liaison between pre school establishments and Hillhead ensures a postitive successful start to the children’s primary school careers. In May, the children from the local nurseries visit with their nursery teachers to see round the school.

In June, we look forward to seeing the children for an afternoon when they will meet their class teacher and spend time in their classroom. Parents are also invited on this day to join us for a coffee and to hear about the things their child will be doing during their first year at school. Before the end of term, Primary 1 teachers visit the children in the nursery. This is always an enjoyable experience for both teachers and their new pupils.

Placing Requests

Placing Requests can be made online here.

Please note: the Education Authority does not provide transport for those pupils in receipt of a placing request, other than in individual exceptional circumstances and where appropriate legislation applies. In the case of under-age placing requests, if the child is offered a place in his or her catchment area school, transport will be provided in accordance with council policy stated above.