Eco News
We have recently updated our Eco Committee page with information on our environmental review and our eco codes. Please take some time to have a look.
Handy Link: Go to Eco Committee page
Also, here’s a roundup of what we did in eco week recently.
Open Afternoon Photos
We recently held a very successful Open Afternoon for our parents/carers to celebrate our inter disciplinary learning about the Commonwealth Game 2014. Each parent/carer was given a “Passport to the Commonwealth” booklet to fill in while looking at displays made by every class. They talked to our “Ambassadors of Learning” (children from each class) at […]
Bottle Madness!
Primary 3 and 4 pupils have been busy collecting plastic bottles in the playground. They are called the “Bottle Buddies.” Children simply pop their bottles into the bag when they have finished with them. The bottles are counted at the end of each week to see which class can collect the most! The bottles are […]
Recycling at Hillhead
We really enjoy recycling paper, plastic and cardboard every Friday with Reclaim. Here we have some pupils from Primary 4 sorting and recycling their classroom waste.
Primary 3b – Celebration of our Work
Well done everyone in Primary 3b. Look through the gallery to find your work. You will see some great art work, technology, draftmanship and even a magician with an amazing slight of hand. Enjoy your break.
Eco Committee busy month!
The Eco Committee has been very busy in April. We have organised all recycling boxes – making sure that every classroom has paper and plastic recycling bins. The committee has been promoting the use of the recycling points around the school, making the children aware of the importance of ensuring our playgrounds are environmentally friendly. During this […]
Pupil Newsletter April’12
This month one of our Primary 7 classes were tasked with finding out what has been happening in our school. Here is what they discovered… Primary 1 P1a have been very busy this month learning about space. During this topic they have had fun learning about rockets and dressing up as astronauts. They have also been […]
Our Fairtrade Parade
On Friday 9th March we all went out on our fantastic Fairtrade Parade through Kelvingrove Park. The whole school joined in as we walked through the park, chanting and playing instruments and having loads of fun! Here are some photos that parents and the school provided.