Support in other languages

Glasgow Helps – text the language you require and a bi-lingual call handler will call you back

text 07451289255

Latest NHS Guidelines on Coronavirus Translated into 60 languages

Crisis services directory for Glasgow

Glasgow Helps – links to over 300 community groups

Scottish Welfare Fund

A discretionary scheme administered by local authorities that provides grants that do not have to be repaid and provide a better service to vulnerable members of the local community.

Telephone: 0141 276 1177 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm)

Website including application form:

Glasgow Community Response Team  

Volunteer Glasgow – support for carers


Helpline: 0141 345 0543  (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm)


Money/Debt Advice

GEMAP Scotland Ltd – Free and Confidential

Housing, Money Advice and Welfare Rights

Advice Line: 0141 773 5850


Parent Club Scotland

You can call the team on 0800 085 7145 or visit the Money Talk Team website. Advice Direct Scotland are continuing to provide free, confidential advice to everyone in Scotland regardless of age, background or circumstance. They are helping people find out what rights they have, and how they can exercise them

Food Banks

The Urban Roots Free Food Map – projects across Glasgow offering a meal or food parcel

Refuweegee – for Toys, Toiletries and Food:

text PACK to 0752 0648 388