Uniform Guide 2014

Posted on Jun 2, 2014 in Latest News, Parent Council News | No Comments
Uniform Guide 2014

The latest information sheet on uniforms is now ready. The Parent Council have put together details on the uniforms, including the pricelist, as well as all key dates for ordering. It is available in this downloadable pdf.

Link: Download Uniform Guide 2014

Minutes Parent Council

Posted on May 13, 2014 in Latest News, Parent Council News | No Comments

The minutes from the Parent Council meeting on the 23rd April are now available to download.

Download as a pdf: PC minutes meeting from 23 April 2014

International Education

Posted on May 9, 2014 in Latest News | No Comments

Hillhead Primary has been awarded the prestigious Game On Plaque for its commitment to learning about the Commonwealth Games 2014. The whole school took part in an interdisciplinary topic using the Commonwealth Games 2014 as the context for learning through International Learning. High quality art work created by our pupils was entered for the Athletes’ […]

Green Flag

Posted on May 9, 2014 in Latest News | No Comments

Following our assessment visit at the end of April we are pleased to announce that Hillhead Primary have now received a Green Flag Award. Anne Black, Eco Schools Scotland, described the tour of the school grounds and presentation from the pupils from the Eco Committee as ‘a treat’. She acknowledged that the whole school has […]

Eco News

Posted on Apr 4, 2014 in Latest News, Pupil Voice Blog | No Comments
Eco News

We have recently updated our Eco Committee page with information on our environmental review and our eco codes. Please take some time to have a look.

Handy Link: Go to Eco Committee page

Also, here’s a roundup of what we did in eco week recently.

Letter from Education Services

Posted on Apr 2, 2014 in Latest News | No Comments

Dear Parent/Carer We understand that for a variety of reasons, children occasionally come to school without being able to pay for their meal. If this happens, we will • Issue your child with a slip from the school office that they can use for lunch in the dinner hall. This slip will be to the […]

Open Afternoon Photos

Posted on Mar 25, 2014 in Latest News, Pupil Voice Blog | No Comments
Open Afternoon Photos

We recently held a very successful Open Afternoon for our parents/carers to celebrate our inter disciplinary learning about the Commonwealth Game 2014. Each parent/carer was given a “Passport to the Commonwealth” booklet to fill in while looking at displays made by every class.  They talked to our “Ambassadors of Learning” (children from each class) at […]

Bottle Madness!

Posted on Mar 12, 2014 in Latest News, Pupil Voice Blog | No Comments
Bottle Madness!

Primary 3 and 4 pupils have been busy collecting plastic bottles in the playground. They are called the “Bottle Buddies.” Children simply pop their bottles into the bag when they have finished with them. The bottles are counted at the end of each week to see which class can collect the most! The bottles are […]

Recycling at Hillhead

Posted on Mar 12, 2014 in Latest News, Pupil Voice Blog | No Comments
Recycling at Hillhead

We really enjoy recycling paper, plastic and cardboard every Friday with Reclaim. Here we have some pupils from Primary 4 sorting and recycling their classroom waste.

Hillhead Eco Week: 17th-21st March 2014

Posted on Mar 12, 2014 in Latest News | No Comments
Hillhead Eco Week: 17th-21st March 2014

The Hillhead Eco Committee are pleased to announce that we are holding the school’s first ever Eco Week from the 17th-21st March. All stages will be involved in a variety of activities focussing on biodiversity, outdoor learning, litter and waste minimisation. Pupils should wear outdoor clothing and wellies all week as we plan to take […]