Forthcoming Events
Dear Parent/Carer
Forthcoming Events
There are several upcoming events I would like to draw to your attention.
1. Fairtrade Café Friday – 28 February 2pm
Fairtrade fortnight started on Monday and as part of our programme of events our parents are holding a Fairtrade café in our Dinner Hall this Friday. All Welcome.
2. Fairtrade Fayre – Wednesday 5 March and Thursday 6 March
Details of the Fairtrade Fayre for children have already been sent out. Thank you to those of you who have volunteered to help out. We still need a few more volunteers. If you are available and would like to help please phone our school office on 339 1365.
3. Lord Provost Visit – Thursday 6 March 9:30am
The Lord Provost of Glasgow committed herself to attend every Primary School in Glasgow. We will be number 109. She will make her presentation to our whole school and our choir will perform a couple of songs for her. We may also deliver a short presentation to her on one of our Commonwealth Topics.
4. Commonwealth Day – Wear your trainers – Visit from Clyde the Commonwealth Mascot – Monday 10 March 9:30am
We have been chosen to host an enhanced visit from Clyde the Commonwealth Mascot to celebrate Commonwealth Day. Clyde will be accompanied by either a famous Scottish athlete who acts as an Ambassador for the Commonwealth Games and/or a current athlete who will be competing into the forthcoming Commonwealth Games.
There is likely to be media coverage from TV, radio and newspapers. A separate letter will follow on this event.
5. Eco Week – Monday 17 March to Friday 21 March
A range of activities have been planned for the children to participate in during Eco week.
Again a separate letter outlining the programme will follow.
6. Open Afternoon – Commonwealth Topics Wednesday 19 March 2:15-3pm
You will be invited to visit our Dinner Hall and Gym where Ambassadors from each class will be available to discuss the learning their own class has been involved in. You will be able to walk around and visit tables staffed by children with displays and children’s work ranging from P1-P7. A separate reminder will follow.
7. Parents’ Evenings – Thursday 27 March 4-7pm and Wednesday 2 April 3:30-6:30pm
Appointments will be issued shortly.
School finishes Friday 4 April at 2:30pm.
We hope you will be able to come along and enjoy these events.
Best Wishes
Francis Donaghy
Head Teacher