Onesie Day

Posted on Oct 4, 2013 in Latest News | No Comments


3 October 2013

 Onesie Day – Friday 11 October

 Dear Parent/Carer

 As you know we are supporting the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice Appeal by encouraging our children to come to school dressed in a Onesie on Friday 11 October. We are asking the children to bring in a minimal donation of £1 to support this very worthwhile cause.

 We appreciate that not everyone has a onesie and we do not want our parents to incur any unnecessary expenses and so if your child wants to come in their pyjamas that is fine.

 If possible it would be best if your child came to school dressed in a onesie with suitable outdoor clothing and footwear (possibly Wellingtons for comfort).

 We look forward to some fantastic outfits and thank everyone for their cooperation.

 Please note the school closes at 3:10pm as usual on Friday 11 October.  The October holiday week is from Monday 14-Friday 18 October inclusive.  School reopens on Monday 21 October.

 Many thanks

 Francis Donaghy

Head Teacher