P1 Enrolment for August 2014
Enrolment Procedures for August 2014
Enrolment for Primary One starting August 2014 will take place during the week of 11th November 2013. This is for children born between March 2009 and February 2010. We will identify times during this week when you can come in to the school to enrol your child. We will publish these times once they are finalised.
You should bring along proof of your address and your child’s birth certificate. Please note you must enrol at your local school even if you wish to submit a placing request elsewhere. You can check your catchment school by entering your address here http://www.glasgow.gov.uk/eCitizenTemplatesWebApplication/templates/eCitizenLocS.aspx?searchType=mynearest
Adverts notifying Parent/Carers of registration for school will be placed in the Evening Times, The Sun and the Daily Record. We will update the website with any further information.