Parents’ Evenings
We are very pleased to inform you that we will be holding our Parents’ Evenings in October. We will be offering two appointment sessions, one on Thursday 4th October from 5pm until 8pm and the other on Wednesday 10th October from 3:30pm until 6:30pm.
These evenings will give you the opportunity to look at your children’s work, the classroom displays and to have a brief discussion with the class teacher about your child’s progress.
As appointments are short, Parents’ Evening is not the most suitable opportunity to discuss any areas of concern you may have. If after the meeting with the teacher on Parents’ Evening you feel a private meeting with him/her is necessary, please contact the school for an appointment.
Forms have been sent home in childrens’ bags. To assist with the appointment system one form per family should be completed and returned to your eldest child’s class teacher by Friday 14th September stating your preferred choice of date. Forms returned after this date may not obtain requested time. An appointment time will be issued by Thursday 27th September. Please return by the date indicated as we are trying to arrange for Glasgow Translation Services to be available and need to give them due notice.
Throughout the year many of our children receive support from our English as an Additional Language teachers please indicate if you wish an appointment.
Please also indicate if you would like a translator.
If children are accompanying parents, they must remain with you at all times in order to ensure their safety within the school building. The playgrounds will not be available.
We look forward to seeing you at Parents’ Evening as your interest and support play a vital role in your child’s progress.
If I have not met you before please introduce yourself. There are many new parents we have not had the pleasure of meeting yet.
Yours sincerely
Francis Donaghy
Head Teacher