Parents’ Evenings

Posted on Sep 7, 2012 in Latest News | No Comments

We are very pleased to inform you that we will be holding our Parents’ Evenings in October. We will be offering two appointment sessions, one on Thursday 4th October from 5pm until 8pm and the other on Wednesday 10th October from 3:30pm until 6:30pm. These evenings will give you the opportunity to look at your […]

Welcome Back

Posted on Aug 25, 2012 in Latest News | No Comments

We hope you all had a very enjoyable holiday and would like to welcome you back to Hillhead Primary. We look forward to another positive and productive year and thank you sincerely for your continuing support.

Happy Summer Holidays!

Posted on Jun 27, 2012 in Latest News | No Comments

The school closes for the Summer holidays on Wednesday 27th June at 1pm. Please ensure you pick your child up on time so that everyone can begin their holidays. School reopens on Wednesday 15th August at 9am (9:30am for our new P1 children). Have a Happy Holiday!

June Newsletter

Posted on Jun 20, 2012 in Latest News | No Comments

‘What a Knight’ P4 – P7 Show We hope you managed to see our Upper School spectacular What a Knight. Over six hundred parents attended our two school shows and many more saw the children perform at the Gibson Street Gala. Thank you to all who supported this. This was a real team effort led by […]

May Newsletter

Posted on May 16, 2012 in Latest News | No Comments

P1 Classes Next Session We will have 5 P1 classes next session and will take in 120 P1 children. We have just under 90 Primary 7 pupils leaving to go to Secondary School and our total school roll will go over 600. We cannot continue to take in so many Primary 1 children in future […]

Eco Committee busy month!

Posted on May 13, 2012 in Latest News, Pupil Voice Blog | No Comments

The Eco Committee has been very busy in April.  We have organised all recycling boxes – making sure that every classroom has paper and plastic recycling bins. The committee has been promoting the use of the recycling points around the school, making the children aware of the importance of ensuring our playgrounds are environmentally friendly.  During this […]

School Show 2012

Posted on Apr 12, 2012 in Latest News | No Comments

Auditions will begin shortly for our school show, ‘What a Knight’. As well as being performed in the school, excerpts will be performed at the Gibson Street Gala on Sunday 17th June. See events for days and times.  

Our Fairtrade Parade

Posted on Apr 11, 2012 in Latest News, Pupil Voice Blog | No Comments

On Friday 9th March we all went out on our fantastic Fairtrade Parade through Kelvingrove Park. The whole school joined in as we walked through the park, chanting and playing instruments and having loads of fun! Here are some photos that parents and the school provided.